
We provided example code snippets for running OpenVSLAM with variety of datasets.

SLAM with Video Files

Tracking and Mapping

We provide an example snippet for using video files (e.g. .mp4) for visual SLAM. The source code is placed at ./example/run_video_slam.cc. The following options are allowed:

$ ./run_video_slam -h
Allowed options:
-h, --help             produce help message
-v, --vocab arg        vocabulary file path
-m, --video arg        video file path
-c, --config arg       config file path
--mask arg             mask image path
--frame-skip arg (=1)  interval of frame skip
--no-sleep             not wait for next frame in real time
--auto-term            automatically terminate the viewer
--debug                debug mode
--eval-log             store trajectory and tracking times for evaluation
-p, --map-db arg       store a map database at this path after SLAM
The camera that captures the video file must be calibrated. Create a config file (.yaml) according to the camera parameters.
We provided a vocabulary file for DBoW2 at here. You can use orb_vocab.dbow2 in the zip file.


We provide an example snippet for using video files (e.g. .mp4) for localization based on a prebuilt map. The source code is placed at ./example/run_video_localization.cc. The following options are allowed:

$ ./run_video_localization -h
Allowed options:
-h, --help             produce help message
-v, --vocab arg        vocabulary file path
-m, --video arg        video file path
-c, --config arg       config file path
-p, --map-db arg       path to a prebuilt map database
--mapping              perform mapping as well as localization
--mask arg             mask image path
--frame-skip arg (=1)  interval of frame skip
--no-sleep             not wait for next frame in real time
--auto-term            automatically terminate the viewer
--debug                debug mode
The camera that captures the video file must be calibrated. Create a config file (.yaml) according to the camera parameters.
We provided a vocabulary file for DBoW2 at here. You can use orb_vocab.dbow2 in the zip file.

You can create a map database file by running one of the run_****_slam executables with --map-db map_file_name.msg option.

SLAM with Image Sequences

Tracking and Mapping

We provided an example snippet for using image sequences for visual SLAM. The source code is placed at ./example/run_image_slam.cc. The following options are allowed:

$ ./run_image_slam -h
Allowed options:
-h, --help             produce help message
-v, --vocab arg        vocabulary file path
-i, --img-dir arg      directory path which contains images
-c, --config arg       config file path
--mask arg             mask image path
--frame-skip arg (=1)  interval of frame skip
--no-sleep             not wait for next frame in real time
--auto-term            automatically terminate the viewer
--debug                debug mode
--eval-log             store trajectory and tracking times for evaluation
-p, --map-db arg       store a map database at this path after SLAM
The camera that captures the video file must be calibrated. Create a config file (.yaml) according to the camera parameters.
We provided a vocabulary file for DBoW2 at here. You can use orb_vocab.dbow2 in the zip file.


We provided an example snippet for using image sequences for localization based on a prebuilt map. The source code is placed at ./example/run_image_localization.cc. The following options are allowed:

$ ./run_image_localization -h
Allowed options:
-h, --help             produce help message
-v, --vocab arg        vocabulary file path
-i, --img-dir arg      directory path which contains images
-c, --config arg       config file path
-p, --map-db arg       path to a prebuilt map database
--mapping              perform mapping as well as localization
--mask arg             mask image path
--frame-skip arg (=1)  interval of frame skip
--no-sleep             not wait for next frame in real time
--auto-term            automatically terminate the viewer
--debug                debug mode
The camera that captures the video file must be calibrated. Create a config file (.yaml) according to the camera parameters.
We provided a vocabulary file for DBoW2 at here. You can use orb_vocab.dbow2 in the zip file.

You can create a map database file by running one of the run_****_slam executables with --map-db map_file_name.msg option.

SLAM with Standard Datasets

KITTI Odometry dataset

KITTI Odometry dataset is a benchmarking dataset for monocular and stereo visual odometry and lidar odometry that is captured from car-mounted devices. We provided an example source code for running monocular and stereo visual SLAM with this dataset. The source code is placed at ./example/run_kitti_slam.cc.

Start by downloading the dataset from here. Download the grayscale set (data_odometry_gray.zip).

After downloading and uncompressing it, you will find several sequences under the sequences/ directory.

$ ls sequences/
00  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21

In addition, download a vocabulary file for DBoW2 from here and uncompress it. You can find orb_vocab.dbow2 in the zip file.

A configuration file for each sequence is contained under ./example/kitti/.

If you built examples with Pangolin Viewer support, a map viewer and frame viewer will be launced right after executing the following command.

# at the build directory of OpenVSLAM
$ ls
# monocular SLAM with sequence 00
$ ./run_kitti_slam \
    -v /path/to/orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2 \
    -d /path/to/KITTI/Odometry/sequences/00/ \
    -c ../example/kitti/KITTI_mono_00-02.yaml
# stereo SLAM with sequence 05
$ ./run_kitti_slam \
    -v /path/to/orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2 \
    -d /path/to/KITTI/Odometry/sequences/05/ \
    -c ../example/kitti/KITTI_stereo_04-12.yaml

The following options are allowed:

$ ./run_kitti_slam -h
Allowed options:
-h, --help             produce help message
-v, --vocab arg        vocabulary file path
-d, --data-dir arg     directory path which contains dataset
-c, --config arg       config file path
--frame-skip arg (=1)  interval of frame skip
--no-sleep             not wait for next frame in real time
--auto-term            automatically terminate the viewer
--debug                debug mode
--eval-log             store trajectory and tracking times for evaluation
-p, --map-db arg       store a map database at this path after SLAM

EuRoC MAV dataset

EuRoC MAV dataset is a benchmarking dataset for monocular and stereo visual odometry that is captured from drone-mounted devices. We provide an example source code for running monocular and stereo visual SLAM with this dataset. The source code is placed at ./example/run_euroc_slam.cc.

Start by downloading the dataset from here. Download the .zip file of a dataset you plan on using.

After downloading and uncompressing it, you will find several directories under the mav0/ directory.

$ ls mav0/
body.yaml  cam0  cam1  imu0  leica0  state_groundtruth_estimate0

In addition, download a vocabulary file for DBoW2 from here and uncompress it. You can find orb_vocab.dbow2 in the zip file.

We provided the two config files for EuRoC, ./example/euroc/EuRoC_mono.yaml for monocular and ./example/euroc/EuRoC_stereo.yaml for stereo.

If you have built examples with Pangolin Viewer support, a map viewer and frame viewer will be launched right after executing the following command.

# at the build directory of OpenVSLAM
$ ls
# monocular SLAM with any EuRoC sequence
$ ./run_euroc_slam \
    -v /path/to/orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2 \
    -d /path/to/EuRoC/MAV/mav0/ \
    -c ../example/euroc/EuRoC_mono.yaml
# stereo SLAM with any EuRoC sequence
$ ./run_euroc_slam \
    -v /path/to/orb_vocab/orb_vocab.dbow2 \
    -d /path/to/EuRoC/MAV/mav0/ \
    -c ../example/euroc/EuRoC_stereo.yaml

The following options are allowed:

$ ./run_euroc_slam -h
Allowed options:
-h, --help             produce help message
-v, --vocab arg        vocabulary file path
-d, --data-dir arg     directory path which contains dataset
-c, --config arg       config file path
--frame-skip arg (=1)  interval of frame skip
--no-sleep             not wait for next frame in real time
--auto-term            automatically terminate the viewer
--debug                debug mode
--eval-log             store trajectory and tracking times for evaluation
-p, --map-db arg       store a map database at this path after SLAM

TUM RGBD dataset

Will be written soon.

The following options are allowed:

$ ./run_tum_slam -h
Allowed options:
-h, --help             produce help message
-v, --vocab arg        vocabulary file path
-d, --data-dir arg     directory path which contains dataset
-a, --assoc arg        association file path
-c, --config arg       config file path
--frame-skip arg (=1)  interval of frame skip
--no-sleep             not wait for next frame in real time
--auto-term            automatically terminate the viewer
--debug                debug mode
--eval-log             store trajectory and tracking times for evaluation
-p, --map-db arg       store a map database at this path after SLAM

SLAM with UVC camera

Tracking and Mapping

We provided an example snippet for using a UVC camera, which is often called a webcam, for visual SLAM. The source code is placed at ./example/run_camera_slam.cc. The following options are allowed:

$ ./run_camera_slam  -h
Allowed options:
-h, --help            produce help message
-v, --vocab arg       vocabulary file path
-n, --number arg      camera number
-c, --config arg      config file path
--mask arg            mask image path
-s, --scale arg (=1)  scaling ratio of images
-p, --map-db arg      store a map database at this path after SLAM
--debug               debug mode
Please specify the camera number you want to use by -n option.
The camera must be calibrated. Create a config file (.yaml) according to the camera parameters.
You can scale input images to the performance of your machine by -s option. Please modify the config accordingly.
We provided a vocabulary file for DBoW2 at here. You can use orb_vocab.dbow2 in the zip file.


We provided an example snippet for using a UVC camera for localization based on a prebuilt map. The source code is placed at ./example/run_camera_localization.cc. The following options are allowed:

$ ./run_camera_localization -h
Allowed options:
-h, --help            produce help message
-v, --vocab arg       vocabulary file path
-n, --number arg      camera number
-c, --config arg      config file path
--mask arg            mask image path
-s, --scale arg (=1)  scaling ratio of images
-p, --map-db arg      path to a prebuilt map database
--mapping             perform mapping as well as localization
--debug               debug mode
Please specify the camera number you want to use by -n option.
The camera must be calibrated. Create a config file (.yaml) according to the camera parameters.
You can scale input images to the performance of your machine by -s option. Please modify the config accordingly.
We provided a vocabulary file for DBoW2 at here. You can use orb_vocab.dbow2 in the zip file.